

Sticker QrCode+NFC Google Review 12x8
€  24,99
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Codice: 3.3.001

Discover the revolution in the review collection with our Google Review NFC stickers! Goodbye to feedback delays! With real-time feedback, customers can share experiences instantly. Don’t miss the opportunity to collect more reviews on Google and take your business to new levels! Place your NFC sticker and simplify the connection experience with your followers!

  • Size 12cm x 8cm
  • NFC technology without contact
  • Unlimited scans
  • Manageable settings
  • Statistical consultation
  • No subscription fee
  • How it works

    Find out how to use Smart Tap Zody: from ordering, configuration, to receiving reviews and increasing visits to your social profile!

    Order your Smart Tap

    Place or approach your NFC phone or scan the qrcode. You will be directed to the page to activate your sticker.

    Set up your Smart Tap

    Enter your email and complete the registration following the instructions for setting up your social media sticker.

    Everything is ready!

    Everything is ready! Place the sticker in the most accessible place of your store everything is ready to welcome the first followers or reviews!

    Video Tutorials & News

    Vedi tutto
    Quick setup: come configurare uno smart tap Google Review
    Impara a configurare lo Smart Tap Google Review con il nostro video tutorial
    Smart Tap: Rivoluziona le recensioni e il seguito social della tua attività
    Sfrutta al massimo ogni esperienza positiva per costruire la tua reputazione online
    Cos'è l'NFC? Guida semplice per capire la tecnologia
    Esplora il potere dell'NFC: comunicazione sicura, condivisione istantanea di dati semplice e veloce con un tocco.
    Smart tap Zody: Una guida completa su come sfruttarlo al meglio
    Dal primo tocco alle funzionalità avanzate: una panoramica dettagliata per guidarti verso un utilizzo ottimale

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